Questions and Answers
(by Maa Gyaan Suveera)

The followers, seekers, students, disciples, and common people those are connected with Maa Gyaan Suveera in different course whatsApp groups asks many questions on different topics. Maa replies are here in Audio form.
Should we do fixed number of Malas at the same fixed times of the day when we take a Sankalp? Sometimes it becomes very hard to do it due to busy schedules!
Accordion Content
- Is it the same one who bought us on the path of spirituality, Or is it the One who we love immensely & his/ Her name comes in a Mind everytime we have a thought of Divinity.. Whenever one do Good or face any bad, the first name that takes control of the Mind, Is it the ईष्टदेवता ?
Also, Somewhere one feel the existence of any particular deity in one’s Life in every situation as a साक्षी or a कर्ता, Can be a ईष्टदेवता ?
& My second question,
2) Why Our experiences of Meditation gets Lost once we share it with somebody else ?
Maa I had a question I listen to atharvashisha upanishad and Shri Sukhtam everyday is it okk some words which i understand i say or do we have to read, This is a good explanation on ” listening Vs chanting’ of stotras or mantras do listen.
In Vedanta, we’re taught to detach more and more and to be the witness with various exercises like drg drshta etc. it helps us cultivate detachment, to witness the minds behaviour and to respond vs react to the world.
In Tantra, it’s the opposite. It’s to re-engage fully and completely and to taste life in its richness in each moment. And to do this with reverence and devotion…to be an instrument for our Ishta Devi, Shakti.
Inevitably this Shakti energy enhances one’s life with its magnetic power, and with this, a trap appears on the path that the conditioned ego begins to grasp. The mind can play subtle games as the desire for expansion and impact grows as one feels the urge to stop playing small. Is this a trap? And if it is, how does one traverse this trap?
Intuitively, i feel that my Vedantin practice keeps a watchful eye on this game, while simultaneously my tantric sadhana practice still engages me in this present moment as a vessel for Shakti. It’s analogous to the idea of superpositioning…how quantum fields and how our brains operate. Not in binary but in superposition. It feels like walking the razors edge and at times it’s a tricky slippery slope. At times the ego grasps and at times Shakti flows without reservation, unhindered. At times I question whether the mind is playing this game of using spirituality as a means for gain. Please guide me with your loving grace Maa
Pranam maa🙏 How do u analyse the evolution of a soul in regards to the planetary positions ?
Was going though the Rahu ketu class, so in regards to that I was trying to analyse about evolution of the soul
I have Rahu in the first house with a vargottam and digbala jupiter . Mars is also there which is my 9th lord . But Rahu is in an enemy rashi( leo) . So Rahu gave me a lot of illusions but now when I’m analysing it again with ur teaching , I can see that the vargottam Jupiter has helped the rahu sitting with it , to go on a journey of self knowing and knowing who am I and eventually taken me through a spiritual journey since many years now.
Can u plz say something in regards to this evolution of soul.
Thank you
Q1 – Is it selfish to have rajasic desires?
Q2 – Since a long time it has been told to me that the ultimate goal of a soul is to realise that this world that we live in, our emotions, attachments, materials etc come under the category of maya. And our soul must realise that all this is nothing, we are nothing that is all this has no meaning & one must eventually get detached from everything & just commit oneself to parmatma/ god/ infinite energy/ creator etc
My question is that if that is the souls purpose then why are the gods/ Devi’s giving us techniques/ methods of attaining more of our material desires ?
Namaste Maa Gyaan Suveera
I have a question about meditation time. I am now doing it on brahmamuhurt. But for last week or so,I’m getting headache. I think it’s because of disturbed sleep. Can I shift my meditation to evening? I can fix it in the evening and won’t change again.
Also, I wonder about sandhya kalas in polar areas. Are they same everywhere? Right now we have day rise at 9am and sun sets at around 3:30pm.
Lately I struggle a lot to breathe through my left nostril while I perform alternate nostril breathing before meditation. Could it possibly be due to the strange day night timings here in Norway? We experience different sleep patterns during summer and winter due to extreme sunrise and sunset timings. Sometimes we don’t even see the Sun for days. Does it also affect naadi patterns? Or the energy body?
Please enlighten, Maa 😊
Pranam Maa!!🙇🏻♀️ Is it true one should not keep panchamukhi hanuman pic in the house eg entrance door or on the Fridge/kitchen?
1) Is he ugra devta?
2) can you please shed light on what “ugra” devta is and if one keep the picture in the house, what we should keep in mind?
3) Do every God have Ugra version? eg even Shree Ram?
4) Do all ugra devta fall under Tantra sandhna?
Thank you 🙏🏼💞

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