Questions and Answers
(by Maa Gyaan Suveera)

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What is your take and understanding into this?
Of Krishna is called Kali, then it should have a basis for human understanding.
Ofcourse as we go higher as you’ve also said “form ceases to exist and all that remains is vibrational energy “ !!!
I have always understood desire as wanting something in your experience that you don’t already have, and attachment as wanting to keep having something that you already have.
So, seeing desire and attachment side by side seems almost paradoxical. However, your slide beautifully clarified that the desire is of the object and attachment is of the feeling about the object.
Every insight is a fountain of insights
Could claiming to have no desire or attachment be an excuse or a projection of tamasic vrittis? True detachment arises from wisdom and inner fulfillment, while apathy and disengagement often stem from inertia, fear, or avoidance. How can we recognise whether someone’s detachment is genuine or just a cover for stagnation? And if it is a tamasic vritti, how can one overcome it?
So basically, the containment/attachment is towards this gross biological body and because of this, we are subject to the dance of elemental rules …? This seems to be primary puppeteer of this gross “body and mind” and thus our misery?
So solution is to work on purifying these senses and thus developing Awareness and Detachment to this gross body and gross mind [thru purification process]? is that the first part of liberation?
- Do we all also chant 3 times the lalitha mantra as well before the dhyana shloka?
- When we are trying to move from lower emotions to higher emotions and trying to find a connection with a deity, should we look more towards the Satva and Rajas deities or Tamas deities like Kali? Since we are trying to destroy or control the tamas in us shouldn’t we look more towards the ones associated with tamas? Who are the tamas/destruction dominant deities for?
Pranam Maa. You mentioned monkhood in the class. Is there a path to achieve this? Or can one remain with family and practice being a monk?
This Me is on an upward journey towards realising the full potential and moving from low level of awareness and lower Mind to Higher Mind(Gross to Subtle to Evolved) but this journey itself is happening courtesy either Causation or Grace
So Mother, in reality the only way for a human being to move up the ladder, access and be with this Higher Mind is Grace🙇♂️
Like this Higher Mind, there is Maya as well🙇♂️
During a class, you spoke about different forms of Maya which lures everyone from an ignorant to highly talented to highly rich & successful to powerful to even a Saint🙆♂️
So, despite the lifetimes of hard work and Punya, Maya still lures and can convert the upward journey to a downward absolute freefall as well🤔
Which would ideally mean 🤔 if someone wants to really go deeper and just be in the company of that real self within, then he or she cannot ignore Maya and must understand all the aspects related to Maya 🙇♂️
2)Can black magic be a part of one’s karma or destiny ?
3) Can black magic completely destroy or manipulate an individual ?
4) how can one deal with this kind of situation for themselves or their loved ones
5) Can black magic ever be reversed ?
Please guide Maa🙏
Someone being tamasic maybe their past life karmas ? And actually everyone will have a tamasic quality within themselves? And is it about understanding and controlling the tamasic mind or just we can become zero tamasic at all?