Maa Gyaan Suveera

Questions and Answers

(by Maa Gyaan Suveera)

Questions and Answer by Maa Gyaan

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Good Morning ☀️ Maa!!!!

Please forgive this oblivious daughter, Maa. 🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♀️ I wish to shed the conditioning I’ve grown up with regarding bad Tantric practices. I’ve often heard that black magic is so powerful that regular japa or bhakti cannot counter it, and one must seek another Tantrik for help.

Part of me rejects this idea, believing that such fear weakens our own faith. It’s our lack of confidence in God and bhakti that creates openings for black magic. If we had unwavering faith in God, equal to the bad Tantrik’s confidence in their practices, no black magic could harm us. Even if it seems to work, we should view it as a lesson from God to strengthen our bhakti, rather than giving power to the negative forces?  On the surface it might look like the bad Tantrik is winning but behind the scene the divine is doing the right thing and only way we can feel/see it if we have total surrender (like yours)?

Am I being naive, or are bad Tantric rituals truly as powerful as people claim? Is the quantity of bad practice more influential than the purity of an innocent soul’s devotion? Does one sometimes need the help of a good Tantrik to counter it?

For example, if a good Tantrik wholeheartedly practices Maa Kaali’s rituals from 1 to 5, while a bad one completes 1 to 10, who would Maa Kaali’s energy favor—quantity or quality?

Lots of Love ❤️ and 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️

PS: Maa, feel free to scold me if bothering yo

u too much or not being disciplined. 🫣🤗

  1. Can you please guide on the process of rituals one can do individually while taking dip in holy Ganga maa
  2. How many dips should be taken at one go? 1 or 3
  3. What process to follow? Any sankalp required to be done?
  4. Should we donate the clothes we wore during dip.
  5. 4. Should we leave one of our bad habits after taking dip. Like leaving tea or coffee or sweet or anger or any bad habit

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