Maa Gyaan Suveera

Questions and Answers

(by Maa Gyaan Suveera)

Questions and Answer by Maa Gyaan

Page 8

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Or what is destined will be achieved regardless of external circumstances??


E.g a goal in this life was to let go of anger, but if a person is surrounded by angry people all their life…and hence this soul remains influenced by this lower emotion and spends all life trying to fight this emotion (and struggle to overcome in this life)


I hope I am making some sense here 🙈



1) When we do various kinds of Sadhana.. People often Write some Mantra or Name of God. What really happens when people write the Mantra or the Name ? Taking अनुष्ठान of Writing the Mantra do make any effects on Subtle body ? How the मन , बुद्धी, चित्त, अहंकार reacts when Someone sticks to the Sadhana like Writing?


2) In addition to this Question, When we Chant Certain Mantra for supposed 1 lacs times… And Somebody writes it down for 1 lacs times… what difference one can understand?

Sometimes, doubt creeps in, and I wonder if I am on the right path or just following something out of habit or fear. Please guide me Maa, how does one truly recognize their swadharma? How can they be sure that what they are following is indeed swadharma and not paradharma especially in conflicting situations?

What’re the karmic implications of that in-between phase when one has a foot here and a foot there. There is always a time lag between realizing that a change is in order, and actualizing that change through one’s choices. I faced a severe mental battle about dharma-adharma when I was making changes in my own life. One might continue getting paid for something and not be able to put in one’s best efforts since the heart and mind tend to check out before the body leaves.


@🌺🙏Maa Gyaan Suveera❤️🙇🌺🫂 What’s the guidance offered for these transitionary time periods (which I suspect to be particularly common / frequent in the cross section and time series of our limited human lives)?

Just like one needs to know the rules of the road thoroughly to be able to drive a car safely, I feel that detailed notes on the laws of dharma (complete with all its ifs and buts) needs to be studied to get karma in order.

In psychology, there is a concept of Stockholm syndrome where the captives develop a positive emotional bond with the captors. If you think about the human life, it is kinda sorta a case of Stockholm syndrome. It is the divine mother who’s put us into this game and it is she who gets us out of it. This makes the concept of gratitude for positive experiences meaningless in the face of the fact that the so called negative experiences are her doing itself.


Most religions pursue God as the savior, the protector, the refuge. However, if you think about it from the lens of advaita, God is also that which you seek refuge from.


We are all divine beings pushed away from our divinity by a veil of ignorance in a mere act of play. So, we can only play with the rest of our divine self and experience joy. So, how can bhakti be rational behavior?


PS – I appreciate those who can feel intense devotion in their hearts, however, through the lens of the truth, I cannot explain devotion as rational behavior


Looking forward to your thoughts Maa 🙏🏻

Then there are purusharths artha, dharma, Kama and moksha. We all are doing our set of karmas with our existing trigunas. Maa my question is dharma can be according to your trigunas and it can be according to society in which you are living or it can be to country which you are living or the religion which you are following. No body can follow his or her swadharma . Then how to have a balance on all these spiritually.

1 ग्रैवेयचिंतका 2 लोकचिंतका 3 मुक्तचिंतका and Maa Tripursundari Grants whatever her Devotees asks as per their Stages.

Also in Geeta there are १) आर्त २) अर्थाथी ३) जिज्ञासू ४) ज्ञानी.

In Patanjal Yogasutra, We have मृदू, मध्य and अधिमात्र as we go Deeper into Yogdarshan there are states like

प्रथमकल्पित, मधुभूमिक, मधुप्रतिकम् & अतिक्रांत भावनिश्च.

And these stages of seekers mentioned everywhere in Hathyoga and so on..

my question is,

– All our stages in Sadhana are Driven by our गुणप्रकृती or पूर्वसंस्कार or कर्माशय? Also, as we progress in the understandings of scriptures,

Does ultimate surrendering without doubts ( भक्तीयोग) towards Consciousness plays a role to change our stages and leads us towards atleast near to सवितर्क ?

Adding to that, When yogis or Monks or Philosophers reaches to the the stage of सवितर्क, Why many of them still gets stuck in the Plays of Trigunas? Is it also related to their पूर्वसंस्कार ?

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