Maa Gyaan Suveera

Questions and Answers

(by Maa Gyaan Suveera)

Questions and Answer by Maa Gyaan

Page 7

My question is if one chooses not to have kids because they want to serve the world, say take care of kids in orphanage or become a teacher or Guru šŸ˜ƒ.Ā  However during this process, if they end up getting too attached to kids or the kids ends up getting too attached to the Guru etc, now isnā€™t one creating now much more karma then they would have with their own kids?Ā  OR because they choosing to serve the world, the rules are different around karma?

How do you understand the difference between these when you are reading spiritual philosophies? Is it all about whether one is able to easily let go or not? Or is it about the strength of the emotional bond? Or something else?

However, I am still perplexed by the fine line between ā€œletting goā€ and choosing inaction and indifference (the opposite of love), even though you believe a situation requires dialogue or intervention on your part.

Since your belief itself is coming about as a result of expectations, for things to change for the better, how does one reconcile that?

Especially in familial relationships where a lot of oneā€™s materialistic life is tied to others?

How does one stay true and authentic, yet detached from performing action without feeling the need to walk away?

Many thanks to all the contemplative and thought provoking questions from earlier. This is a truly beautiful spaceā™„ļø

How do the spiritual texts/masters define truth, reality, and therefore, illusions?

When it comes to experiences, we often define real as genuine/authentic in the sense that the actual matches our beliefs. However, the fact that there is no such thing as an actual thatā€™s ever observed tends to send my mind for a toss. All we have are our experiences and the observer-world model that weā€™re calling the ā€œactualā€ is only an inferred model.

In spiritual texts, the definition of truth is often given as ā€œall that is changing is a falsehood, and all thatā€™s not is true/realā€. However, the basis and usefulness of such a definition is not clear to me.

Which brings me back to my original question ā€” what is the definition of true/truth, real/reality? How does one think about these things with clarity?

I want to understand the significance of studying the triad mappings. In addition to serving theoretically as a taxonomy that organizes all aspects of experience into creation, preservation and destruction, do these mappings also help the seeker practically in another way?

Also, could you please expand on the rationale for connecting Agni (electromagnetic radiation), Surya (Heat), Chandra (???) to creative, preservative and destructive energies? I believe you implied there was a logical basis to this mapping which I failed to grasp.

My understanding of gunatit was that the deities that exist as unmanifested causal bodies are the only ones that are gunatit, however, your statement makes me think thatā€™s not entirely true.

I want to ask about the gunas: I am trying not to think about tamas as ‘bad’ and satva as ‘good’, becouse this way I think I can grasp better the idea of the parinama of the gunas as a stream of movment. When the stream is stuck it becoms more tamasic, like water in a swamp. When the strean gose dounhill it is more rajasic, when the stream gose peacefully, pure clean water, it is more satvick. But always in away, it is the same stream, or river.

Is it making sence? Or I miss the point? I ask becouse in many ways and texts tamas is totaly bad and the oposit.

May I also ask something I have been pondering on. The universe is ever expanding, even science says that, so when Pralaya happens, there is a next cycle and itā€™s never ending is my understanding. Is this right? We just keep doing it again and again and even if we achieve Moksha (or beyond : 24 vs 36 Tatvas) do we just come back? Because I remember Hanumanji seeing the bed of rings he went to get when Ram threw in the Ocean floor, so if even Hanumanji keeps coming backā€¦

šŸ¤” (unless the sum was nagative in this lifetime) If yes would that mean that till it finds its dissolution across many lifetimes (don’t know how though šŸ¤”) it would always be wrapped by causal irrespective of being in any life form like human being or while waiting in queue or being in slumberšŸ¤”

2) if so, how is past life memories (chitha) retained, accessed? How are the learnings from this life added to the soul memory? What among them is accessible from the field, since we ARE actually field…?

Please clarify if my understanding is wrong… Thank you Maa šŸ’–

shiva creates shakti which is para and when para meets conditioning then apara is bornāœØšŸ’„

now all these devi forms are manifestations of human minds only so all all these are also apara onlyšŸ™‡šŸ»

Question: if apara needs conditioning and initially there was no conditioning : neither inĀ  Me and nor nature , so how Apara was bornšŸ¤”

I mean that first creation and first dissolution would have been so so important for Me as well as nature, for example when I lived for the first time and then I died also first time , that journey was so so important because that creates this whole cycle_šŸ§ŽšŸ»~ _I here is not this one but my Soul and it’s journeyšŸ›

Understood that it is all a game. What bothers me time and again is that even if we put so much effort in trying to understand the complexity around ragas, purusharthas, japas, karmas. Etc.and practice very hard, there is still no end .

What is beyond the Kriti which is satvic? Is there an image which is beyond this? I meanĀ  something thatĀ  explains the action which canĀ  lead to energy reaching the crown chakra .

In this play , even a thought creates a karma, so it seems that there will never be moksha or liberation. Even if we progress to the highest level ( which itself is difficult) , we are still caught in this bondage, then why is Devi Maa playing this game? Wouldnā€™t she want her children to learn , grow and at some point pass the final test?Ā 

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