Maa Gyaan Suveera

Questions and Answers

(by Maa Gyaan Suveera)

Questions and Answer by Maa Gyaan

Page 6

We have the Panch Pranas, we have the cord of white light and the 7 (108) Chakras which are energy regulators, we have the 72,000 nadis which serve as energy pathways, and then there is the radiating auric energy and breathing (Vayu Prana). Am I missing something?

How does it all integrate into a coherent energy (Prana) system?

(Btw: common theme here is that I want to increase my confidence in my life in all areas). However this time, I am kind of taking a step back and trying notice all my feelings that creep up and why. I know it’s all maya and a game but now I don’t know how to handle it differently? Do I just face it and drain my energy like I normally do. Do I not care of the outcome but how? This is very hard as we are immersed in maya. Or do I cancel it LOL because all this is illusions anyway because I would rather spend that time meditating and mantra chanting.

This takes me to my second thought -> I was watching a video of Ramesh Balsekar where he said our lives are like the reels of a movie. We think we are in charge and use free will but it’s an illusion. Just like a movie has a reel set already made, then it gets played on screen. So how much of my decision to go or not go is depended on my free will vs destiny of what is already written for me? 🤔

last 6 Months , while studying Astrology, the intent of Guru Maa was to teach everything around Astrology , which mostly was Apara but also kept our inner being as well as the student in us closer to Para. So we understood how things and knowledge work or at times create diversions or at times get  misused as well 🤔 so how to keep ourselves always grounded and hold onto Para within us🙇‍♂️

A few weeks back, You also explained about Maya to my query ,which is an illusion or Apara only, and it is no wrong but the one which helps in manifestation of our causal hence destiny in the current tineline🤔

And now this week , we started these new classes, where we will mainly focus on the Apara part of it 🤔, I mean how the human mind can manifest and create energy portals , how these come alive or maybe go to slumber at times or how they can be used to bless : white and red as well as sometimes used in black sphere of life as well🤔

Is my understanding of the objectives complete Mother ? somehow I think 🤔 I am missing something

Fundamentally Mother what are the common objectives and , what 🤔 Manish should expect at this stage for his understanding and evolution of life which is throbbing inside of him🙇‍♂️ and this maybe different for different students as well🤔

Having found you 🙇‍♂️  I just Wish to remain curious 🤔 at least in this lifetime with no goalposts🙆‍

I listen to your videos and  other videos which help me, pray, chant….there is a realisation that surrender is the key but still I am unable to surrender completely. Attachment and the fear of “what if” or “what can I do more “ ( in my current state to help my mother who is unwell) keeps flooding.

In some intervals I can observe that I am not worried at all , I have this immense faith in the almighty yet there are moments where I can hardly hold on to the faith or light. Only tears fills up the eyes making everything very blur, fearful. I cease to be in the present moment during such times.


My fear is unreal …

God is real , my goodness is real , the blessings in my life are real …

Everything is in transition,  everything is changing , everything will change for my better …

I cannot stop the flow of life, i have to flow with it, I am learning to flow with it …

My surrender is complete whenever i read this, and whenever I understand  this …

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