Maa Gyaan Suveera

Yoga Sutra

(With Maa Gyaan Suveera)

Learn to chant the 196 sutras with Maa

Topic :

• Yogic psychology and philosophy explained very simply
• Definition and purpose of Yoga
• Mental modifications practice and detachment,
• What creates the basic tensions of life?
• Means of attainment
• Obstacles to progress
• The knower and the known
• Awareness and the lack of it
• What is intuitive knowledge
• The limbs of patanjali yoga
• Yamas in details
• Niyamss in detail
• Methods of controlling negative thoughts
• Concentration meditation & super consciousness
• Transformations of consciousness
• External appearances
• What are psychic powers
• Individuality and its cause
• Cosmic mind
• karma, causal actions and thoughts
• Theory of perception
• Kaivalya

This recorded workshop is available for purchase

